How Can You Be Expected to Drive Innovation When Your IT Resources Are Consumed by Just Keeping the Lights On?
You are only as effective as what you know.
No matter who you are and what IT job you have, situational awareness is essential. And your awareness of every situation is dictated by the quality of your IT software.
There are different strokes for different folks, even at the top levels of the organization. Let’s look at a few examples:
- As a Managed Service Provider, you face unique operational challenges. Your customers demand superior service quality and stringent security, while expecting you to meet their unique needs at a highly competitive price. You face an ongoing balancing act.You need an IT management system that holds ongoing operational costs in check, yet still enables you to exceed your customers’ high expectations.
- As a CFO, you care about your company’s financial stability and performance. Strong financial governance and risk management, cost containment and organizational growth strategies are your key priorities. You view every investment through these lenses.You require an IT management system that delivers a range of compelling financial benefits, ranging from revenue protection through to significant OPEX and CAPEX savings.
- Today, CIOs face unprecedented challenges. You are tasked with delivering functional excellence and are also expected to be a contributing partner to the growth of the business. At the same time, you face an increasingly dynamic technology environment and ever-growing cost pressures. This creates a fundamental dilemma – how can you possibly drive innovation when your resources are consumed with keeping the lights on?The answer is that you require a root cause analysis tool that will enable you to transform your daily operations.
- Your business depends on your contact center. It’s how you generate revenues and deliver superior customer service. However, as a Contact Center Business Manager, you’re faced with constant questions and challenges. Should you outsource your contact center systems and infrastructure to an external provider – or not?Either way, you need to deliver the best possible service while containing costs. You need to be able to scale your services and you need a way to manage network traffic between your distributed contact centers.
No matter what your role is, keeping on top of the state of your infrastructure is a key part of your job.
That’s why the Optanix Platform should be at the top of your agenda – it provides the visualization, notification and business intel tools necessary to get the right information to the right person at the right time.
As anyone who’s spent time in the industry knows, that’s no easy feat. The platform knows the health of your infrastructure, continuously monitors the state of the network and immediately reacts to changes in order to determine the source of an issue.
It also comes with a wide range of role-based reports and dashboards, providing complete visibility of operational and service-level history. Real-time displays give immediate information about the status of business services and IT infrastructure, how issues are impacting business processes and what actions are in progress to resolve them.
In addition, the platform provides for tiered escalation of notifications. Notification and escalation rulesets can be predefined to ensure that no alert goes unacknowledged.
The ability to configure selective push notifications ahead of the downstream alarms is key to situational awareness.
The Optanix Mobile App provides a proactive, interactive and informative delivery mechanism into the Optanix Platform.
Subscribers to the mobile app are immediately aware that an issue exists. They can interact directly via the app to drill into available information and check back on status and follow up activities.
The Optanix Platform manages business services, IT infrastructure and support processes. It builds and updates a unified management database that contains comprehensive information about the data center and network infrastructure and their operational histories.
This information powers the platform’s reports and dashboards and allows the early identification of trends that have the potential to disrupt the business in the future.
Analyzing this information continuously improves the IT service delivery infrastructure and management processes, enabling key capabilities such as problem management and vendor scorecarding.
With this degree of business intelligence, you always know where you stand!